
I passed my what?

Panel of guests, Liz Hughston, MEd, RVT, VTS (SAIM, ECC), Liza Rudolph, BAS, RVT, VTS (CP-C/F, SAIM),

Stephen Cital, RVT, RLAT, SRA, VCC, CVPP, VTS (LAM), Joe DeFulio, CVT, CFE, CCFP, and Beth Armstrong, CVT. CFE, CCFP, CFT, CTP. FT sit down to have a discussion about all the different opportunities that veterinary technicians have after the VTNE. They discuss the different paths they have taken, even though they have stayed so close and mentored one another through their career.

Release Date: December 28, 2020

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Beth Armstrong, CVT, RVT, CFE, CCFP, CFT, CTP, FT